Ways to Support
We have established four opportunities to support our MDF financially: monthly and annual continuous donations; annual special events; tribute acknowledgments and; endowments.

As we move forward to meet our mission of funding oral health care for the underserved of all ages in Winnipeg, Manitoba and beyond, the central element of our fundraising must be monthly and annual donations. These continuous donations are critical to the future financial capacity of our Foundation. Ideally, our objective is to have every member of our MDA make a monthly or annual donation. Every year since incorporation, we have seen an increase in the number of MDA members making these types of donations.
Members of our MDA are very familiar with the services we provide to our patients. We are hopeful that monthly contributions will reflect an oral health care service (code and fee) we provide (e.g., recall examination, one surface restoration, two surface, three surface restorations, etc.). Monthly or annual donations would be the ongoing and continuous source of funding for grants to charitable organizations that provide oral health care to the underserved of all ages.
Healthy smiles through inspired generosity.
The Manitoba Dental Association and individual members of the MDA and broader community make contributions for Tribute Acknowledgments to honour life cycle events, accomplishments, and successes of members of our MDA.
Lastly, our MDF has been the recipient of an endowment funded in memory of Dr. Michael Cuthbert, an engaging fun loving gentle man, a dedicated and accomplished dentist, a concerned and active member of his community and an active and productive member of organized dentistry in Manitoba and beyond.
The Board of your MDF is extremely proud of the social consciousness demonstrated through generous donations by you, the friends of our MDF. A simple Thank You is not nearly enough to express the sincere appreciation of our grant recipients for your kindness and support.