Giving by the Dental Community and the Community at Large
The Manitoba Dental Foundation was established in 2015 with its vision of serving as the heart of philanthropic giving for the dental community of Manitoba.
The Manitoba Dental Foundation is committed to improving the oral health of the underserved of all ages in Manitoba, and supporting outreach to all communities in need.

Manitoba Dental Foundation Board of Directors
The Manitoba Dental Foundation Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from the
Manitoba Dental Association, the Winnipeg Dental Society, the University of Manitoba Dental Alumni Association, Senior and Vice Stick of the University of Manitoba Dental Students Association and the Western Manitoba Dental Society and individuals from the broader community who are committed
to the objectives of the Foundation.
Dr. Patrick Mao is the Foundation’s current President.
We invite all Manitoba dentists to join in supporting the Manitoba Dental Foundation. By uniting our funding resources, the Manitoba Dental Foundation will improve and enhance oral health through services provided by other organizations that meet our mission statements.

Through the charitable act of giving, individuals and corporations can make a difference in improving the oral health of the underserved of all ages in Manitoba and beyond
Our Objectives

Primary Objectives
- Provide funding for oral health services to the underserved of all ages, poor, or populations and communities with limited access to dental care;
- Improve the oral health of long term care institutionalized populations in Manitoba
Secondary Objectives
- Promote volunteerism as it relates to the above;
- Support educational institutions or other agencies in research projects that would have a direct impact on the delivery of care;
- Provide funding for dental outreach education programs for the underserved and
populations or communities with limited access to oral health care; - Encourage Manitobans to choose dentistry as a career option;
- Support education of dental students and dentists in Manitoba
Organizations Helped/Funds Distributed
Mount Carmel Clinic
Siloam Mission
Healthy Smile Happy Child
Never Alone Foundation
Deer Lodge Centre
Bruce Oake Recovery Centre
Westman Immigrant Services
Doctors Without Borders
Variety – The Children’s Charity of Manitoba
Cancer Care Manitoba (Head and Neck Division)
College of Dentistry, School of Dental Hygiene,
and RRC Dental Assisting Program
UCN Dental Assisting Program
Mondetta Charitable Foundation